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Important Disclaimer Before Beginning.
Anabolic drugs should only be used as prescribed by a doctor and are contraindicated for children. The information presented does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects. The information on this forum is not medical advice and should be used for informational and educational purposes only.
Anabolic drugs should only be used as prescribed by a doctor and are contraindicated for children. The information presented does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects. The information on this forum is not medical advice and should be used for informational and educational purposes only.

Well then, methandienone it is, let's try to conduct a comprehensive analysis of this substance based on what we have available.
Methandienone or methandrostenolone, commonly known as Danabol is still used for medical purposes due to its affordability and availability. Let's try to understand these applications.
Let's start with a study from 1960, ah, those were the days, I remember them well… but I digress, - “Some Experiences with a New Anabolic Steroid (Methandrostenolone)”, it tells us the following –
Over the past year, studies were conducted on a group of nine children or patients with hypogonadism and four adult women. It was shown that methandrostenolone has a potent anabolic effect, stimulating growth with an increase in weight and height. There was evidence of continued acceleration of growth after discontinuation of therapy. For stimulating growth, doses of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg were effective when taken for short periods of four to six weeks; after which it could be discontinued for three to four months before a second course of treatment. However, on this regimen, signs of virilization were minimal, and considering the achieved results, they did not cause particular concern.
, but don't jump to conclusions yet, we're just beginning our journey through science, moving on to 1962 methandienone was studied as an adjuvant (a supporting substance) in long-term corticosteroid therapy. This was researched over two years in a group of asthmatics who were already undergoing corticosteroid therapy, and it was indeed proven to be an effective anabolic agent, reducing or correcting chronic protein loss. Moreover, this anabolic effect was achieved at low doses of 0.1—0.25 mcg per kg of body weight, with no observed retention of salts and hepatotoxic effects (naturally due to the dosage).
In 1971, scientists thought about how methandienone stimulates certain processes, so why not check its effect on corneal ulcer healing? Their findings were quite good, they discovered that by means of Danabol helping to restore normal metabolism, it also stimulates the healing process and can be an important addition to the treatment of corneal ulcers, especially when patients suffer from malnutrition.
Interestingly, in 1976 a double-blind study was conducted, where the anabolic effect of methandienone on athletes was studied. Compared to a placebo period, those taking methandienone gained an average weight of 3–3 kg ± 0–6 kg, and accumulated a disproportionately large amount of potassium, 420 ± 68 mmol. Also, while taking methandienone, plasma cortisol concentration and urinary cortisol excretion increased, while plasma testosterone levels decreased. From this, they concluded that changes in body mass and composition might indicate an anabolic action of methandienone in humans; these could also be caused by an increase in intracellular fluid.
Let's briefly return to the topic of cortisol, it was found that prolonged administration of methandienone reduces the excretion of 17-KS and 17-OHCS in urine by about 50% and leads to a similar reduction in the rate of cortisol production.
In 1981, researchers decided to reinforce their understanding of methan's effects on athletes gained in 1976 and repeated the experiment using a methan dosage of 100 mg over 6 weeks, alternating with placebo, and found that the increase in potassium (436 ± SEM 41 mmol) and nitrogen (255 ± 69 g) in the body was too great compared to the weight gain (2.3 ± 0.4 kg) to be attributed to muscle or other lean tissue gain. From this, they concluded that the action of methandienone can be characterized as anabolic, but the weight gain is not muscle mass.
To ensure it doesn't all sound too rosy, here, for example, is a report of a case of a 19-year-old Irishman who experienced both medical and psychological side effects from the use of methandrostenolone. This individual had a long history of harmful cannabis use, but had never previously exhibited psychotic symptoms. After taking methandrostenolone, he developed rhabdomyolysis and a psychotic episode with homicidal thoughts.
Steroid maniacs are terrible, but we'll get back on track with our research, in the flow so to speak, until I get lazy and move on to pharmacokinetics and chemistry.
In a double-blind study, 327 patients (57 men) over the age of 65 (average age 79.5) received all possible combinations of 3 g calcium carbonate, 1000 IU vitamin D3, 2.5 mg methandienone, and/or placebo daily for 9 months and yielded striking results. There was a significant increase in cardiovascular deaths, most notably (P < 0.001) among those receiving vitamin D3 and methandienone. So now you have to live with this knowledge.
Research from the category of humanity's brilliance. Here, children were drinking syrup to stimulate appetite, and it so happened that the syrup contained cyproheptadine and methandienone. Cyproheptadine and methandienone were responsible for serious adrenal suppression in a boy. Methandienone undoubtedly caused premature virilization in both children. Discontinuing the syrup led to partial regression of virilization in both children and normalization of adrenal reserve function in the boy. Tell them about how you started 'juicing' at 15, pup.
Ah, those 60-80s, the freedom of science, the realization of new substances, here for example they decided again to see how our friend methandienone works on athletes, and in the end Methandienone caused a number of side effects, which led to three men discontinuing its use. All side effects disappeared after stopping the drug, and they also concluded that the increase in body weight was due to water retention.
Let me throw some more fuel on the fire for you, so you understand that steroids are not candy. A 28-year-old bodybuilder was hospitalized with jaundice. For 80 days, up to 3 weeks before hospitalization, he took moderately high doses of anabolic steroids: 10-50 mg of methandienone orally daily and 50 mg of stanozolol intramuscularly every other day.
Although the steroids were discontinued, the patient's overall condition worsened over 7 weeks. Serum bilirubin rose to a maximum of 77.9 mg/dL. In addition, renal failure developed with a creatinine concentration of 4.2 mg/dL. The patient's condition improved with the introduction of ursodeoxycholic acid, and biochemical indicators gradually normalized over several weeks.
Conclusions? Anabolic steroids can cause significant cholestasis and acute renal failure, so don't be an Andreas Munzer.
For more numbers, let's take a look at a study on the effect of short-term treatment with an anabolic steroid (methandienone) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate on plasma hormones, erythrocyte volume, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in athletes. It found that a decrease in mean plasma testosterone levels was observed after the use of 5 and 10 mg of methandienone (66 and 73%), no significant changes in plasma gonadotropins were observed immediately after treatment with any of these steroids, but later, subjects who received higher doses of both compounds showed a tendency to decrease in FSH and LH levels, no significant changes in erythrocyte volume were observed. Methandienone did not affect the concentration of 2,3-DPG in erythrocytes.
The results of this study indicate that chronic treatment with AAS in adolescent female mice may enhance generalized anxiety, but not sensorimotor activation or learned fear, through a mechanism that involves the enhancement of CRF-mediated signaling from CeA neurons projecting to dBnST.
Here, an attempt was made to create a "cocktail" of methandienone and a couple of other substances for geriatric patients, but the effect was not significant, and the weight gain was associated with increased retention of bromosulfophthalein.
These studies from those years are just like the works of Dr. Mengele. By the way, here a study concluded that AAS may affect the sensitivity of the brain's reward systems.
Methandienone was originally developed in 1955 by the company CIBA and was sold in Germany and the United States.
Well then, let's proceed.
Methandienone works by binding and activating the androgen receptor (AR). It can be metabolized by 5α-reductase into 17α-methyl-δ1-DHT, but it has an extremely low affinity for this enzyme.
Methandienone is a substrate for aromatase and can be metabolized into the estrogen methylestradiol, which is resistant to metabolism and, therefore, retains estrogenic activity.
It is stated that methandienone does not possess progestogenic activity.
Methandienone has high bioavailability when taken orally. It has a very low affinity for human sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), about 10% of the affinity of testosterone and 2% of the affinity of DHT.
The drug is metabolized in the liver through 6β-hydroxylation, 3α- and 3β-oxidation, 5β-reduction, 17-epimerization, and conjugation, among other reactions.
The half-life of methandienone is about 3-6 hours. It is excreted in the urine.
Favorite part, Methandienone, also known as 17α-methyl-δ1-testosterone or 17α-methylandrost-1,4-dien-17β-ol-3-one, is a synthetic steroid of the androstane type and a 17α-alkylated derivative of testosterone. It is a modification of testosterone with a methyl group at the C17α position and an additional double bond between the C1 and C2 positions. The drug is also a 17α-methylated derivative of boldenone (δ1-testosterone) and a δ1-analog of methyltestosterone (17α-methyltestosterone).
Regarding detection, the main metabolites in urine are detectable for up to 3 days, while a recently discovered hydroxymethyl metabolite can be detected in urine for up to 19 days after a single oral dose of 5 mg.
- Injectable Methane (Methandienone 50mg/ml) by Mel Gibson – Review of Methandienone by user
- Injectable Methane Pharma Bol 100 by PHARMACOM LABS - Review of Methandienone by user

Methandienone is objectively an outdated and useless drug in bodybuilding, popular solely due to its cheapness, and because novices excitedly rejoice at the piles of water weight they gain.
Gained water weight, overloaded the body with potassium, lost the water, went on post-cycle therapy, got shocked by the reflection in the mirror. (C) Methandienone.
The drug might find its use at best as an adjuvant in some cases, and that's pretty much it, want to waste money and experience the delights of water and potassium accumulation in the body? Feel free to continue using methandienone.
For those who possess something like critical thinking - my advice is to forget about it, and oh, regarding the injectable form, it hasn't been studied separately, but we can conclude that some "pre-workout" effect is observed for the following reasons - bypassing the first liver pass means more biologically active substance reaches our body, then remember AAS can affect the sensitivity of the brain's reward systems.

Friends, if you want to leave your feedback on Methandienone, please use the following aspects in your review to be more "comprehensive".
- What benefits/advantages/positives did you gain from using Methandienone?
- Side effects (positive or negative) that you experienced, physically or mentally
- Detailed information about the cycle in which you included Methandienone.
- Whether you liked the drug or not, and if you would use it again
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