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Anabolic drugs may only be used under a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated for children. The information provided does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects. The information presented on the forum is not medical advice and should be used for informational and educational purposes only.
Let's begin our journey into another interesting androgen-anabolic steroid.

Today, we will discuss Mibolerone, reminding you that the topic selection for the article happens on our channel in Telegram: https://t.me/+il6u6_O1ZYhhODJi
So, let's get started, Mibolerone, also known as check drops is (who would have thought) an extremely powerful AAS. It was intended to prevent estrus in female dogs.
Let's see what we have on this substance on PubMed.

247 results, not much, considering that a large part will be about chromatography testing.
The study "Binding of mibolerone to androgen receptor of benign hypertrophic human prostate. Comparison with R1881" tells us that, -
The conclusions indicate that mibolerone is indeed an anabolic steroid that can activate androgen receptors and, thus, have an effect on the reproductive and muscular systems.
- Mibolerone binds to androgen receptors in benignly enlarged human prostate. This indicates that mibolerone activates androgen receptors, which is important for understanding its impact on the reproductive and muscular systems.
- In the study, mibolerone is compared with R1881 (methyltrienolone), another potent androgenic steroid. The results show that mibolerone has a similar binding ability to androgen receptors, making it comparable to R1881 in terms of androgenic activity.
The study "The effects of in ovo mibolerone treatment on the bursa of Fabricius and the humoral system of chickens: a dose-response study":
These findings indicate that mibolerone can have a negative impact on the immune system of birds at high doses. You didn't think there would be a series of studies on humans, did you?
- Mibolerone can affect the bursa of Fabricius (a bird's immune system organ, analogous to the human thymus gland) and the humoral (antigen-specific) immune system of chickens when treated in ovo (inside the egg).
- The study revealed a dose-dependent effect of mibolerone on the bursa of Fabricius and the humoral immune system. High doses of mibolerone caused atrophy (reduction in size and mass) of the bursa of Fabricius, which, in turn, could weaken the bird's immune system.
The study "Characterization of steroid receptors in human prostate using mibolerone":
This study confirms that mibolerone possesses androgenic activity and can be used in research aimed at exploring the interaction between steroid receptors and their ligands.
- Mibolerone is a synthetic androgenic steroid that exhibits high affinity for androgen receptors in the human prostate.
- The study demonstrated that mibolerone successfully binds to androgen receptors in the human prostate, confirming its androgenic activity and potential use in steroid receptor research.
From the study "Antiproliferative actions of the synthetic androgen, mibolerone, in breast cancer cells are mediated by both androgen and progesterone receptors" we can draw the following conclusions about mibolerone:
Overall, this study confirms the antiproliferative properties of mibolerone through its binding to androgen and progesterone receptors.
- Mibolerone, a synthetic androgen, has antiproliferative properties, meaning it can inhibit the growth and reproduction of breast cancer cells.
- The effect of mibolerone on breast cancer cells is mediated through binding to both androgen and progesterone receptors, indicating that mibolerone can affect different pathways regulating cell growth.
- The study shows that mibolerone may have anticancer effects on certain types of breast cancer that express androgen and progesterone receptors.
The study "Characterization of a hepatic protein in nonhuman primates that binds mibolerone but not dihydrotestosterone or methyltrienolone":
These results may indicate the unique biological properties of mibolerone and its potential diverse effects on the body, which could depend on the type of protein it binds to.
- The study identified a unique hepatic protein in nonprimates that specifically binds to mibolerone but not to dihydrotestosterone or methyltrienolone.
- This discovery suggests that mibolerone can interact with specific proteins and mechanisms in the body that are different from other androgenic steroids, such as dihydrotestosterone and methyltrienolone.
The study "The synthetic androgen mibolerone induces transient suppression of the transformed phenotype in an androgen responsive human prostatic carcinoma cell line":
Sounds not so bad, right? Although, I would still not recommend experimenting with your prostate.
- Mibolerone, a synthetic androgen, is capable of temporarily suppressing the transformed phenotype (the change of cells from normal to tumorous) in an androgen-responsive human prostatic carcinoma cell line.
- This action of mibolerone could be useful in the context of oncology, especially in treating certain types of prostate cancer that are sensitive to androgens.
The study "7 alpha-17 alpha-Dimethyl-19-nortestosterone (mibolerone) induces conformational changes in progesterone receptors distinct from those induced by ORG 2058":
Another tick towards understanding how mibolerone works.
- Mibolerone is a synthetic steroid that exhibits high affinity for progesterone receptors and induces changes in their conformation.
This study confirms mibolerone's affinity for progesterone receptors and indicates that mibolerone could be similar or more effective in its biological effects compared to other progestogens.
- Mibolerone demonstrates strong binding to progesterone receptors.
- Comparing mibolerone's binding with other progestogens, such as R5020 and ORG2058, showed that mibolerone has similar or even higher affinity binding to progesterone receptors.
The study "Binding of 7 alpha, 17 alpha-dimethyl-19-nortestosterone (mibolerone) to androgen and progesterone receptors in human and animal tissues":
The results confirm mibolerone's dual affinity for androgen and progesterone receptors.
- Mibolerone exhibits high affinity for both androgen and progesterone receptors in humans and animals.
- Mibolerone binds to androgen receptors in various tissues, including the prostate, seminal vesicles, and muscles.
- Mibolerone also binds to progesterone receptors in various tissues, such as the uterus and ovaries.
- Comparing mibolerone's binding with other androgens and progestogens showed that mibolerone has strong binding to receptors and can compete with them.

On this note, we will delve into a more detailed examination of the drug, i.e., explore its pharmacodynamics and dive into the world of Chemistry.
Mibolerone has a higher affinity and greater selectivity for androgen receptors (AR) compared to metribolone, which is a potent anabolic steroid and structurally related to mibolerone.
Affinity refers to the ability of a substance to bind to a receptor, while selectivity refers to the ability of a substance to selectively bind to specific receptors.
Mibolerone, despite its selectivity for androgen receptors, still possesses significant progestogenic activity.
Progestogens are hormones that act on progesterone receptors, and mibolerone has the ability to activate these receptors.
Mibolerone is also known as 7α,17α-dimethyl-19-nortestosterone (DMNT) or as 7α,17α-dimethylestra-4-en-17β-ol-3-one, mibolerone is a synthetic estrane steroid and a 17α-alkylated derivative of nandrolone (19-nortestosterone).
It is a 17α-methyl derivative of trestolone.
"is a synthetic estrane steroid" - means that it was artificially created and belongs to the class of estrane steroids, derivatives of estradiol.
Here somewhere should be the section "Testing and reviews of Mibolerone on the OneSteel forum," but our forum did not conduct tests of this substance, and what we tested at the time from Cygnus likely wasn't actual Mibolerone as it left everyone with mixed feelings.
It's a useful compound for very specific situations, which most people can't take advantage of. It increases strength and aggression incredibly, but for a short period of time. After the effect wears off, you notice a loss of strength and aggression, and you feel tired, mainly because it directly affects the release of adrenaline.
The duration of its effects largely depends on the individual, so if you want to use it for a fight, you might be out of luck if the fight lasts longer, the effect wears off, and you find yourself very tired and powerless. Instead, for powerlifting competitions or strongman events, it would be very useful, and that would be the primary function of this compound.
I use it before workouts from time to time. 0.5 mg pills. I don't feel like I get much effect from them.
I don't understand the crazy aggression everyone talks about with these things. Though, maybe I'm not the best subject, as even when taking 700 mg of Tren, I don't become too aggressive.
Yes, even on Reddit, there aren't many reviews about this substance.

Conclusions about Mibolerone.
Remember the stories about Tyson taking mibolerone before the second fight with Holyfield and biting off his ear? Well, it turns out, that's just a tall tale with no confirmation, where doses of cocaine likely played a bigger role, which, by the way, was exaggerated on bodybuilding forums, yeah.
A highly dubious drug, rumors of which come from the vaults of basement gyms, which supposedly tried that very holy and most potent mibolerone, but they also set records on solo methane, let's ignore that all these records have long been beaten by more knowledgeable approaches, that's beside the point.
You know what I think about this? It's nonsense, forget about Mibolerone like a bad dream, even if it presumably could enhance aggression, then what? Nothing, absolutely nothing, in what kind of sport would mindless aggression help you? Get punched in the face faster by a more composed opponent? Screw up in the technique of performing an exercise?
Moreover, as we see, it very precisely targets our prostate receptors, which is also not very good.
In general, it can be concluded that mibolerone is a drug from basement gyms, woven from myths, most likely they didn't even consume it, come on, how could they have checked?
So, think about it, is this drug even needed in any sport? Of course, you might be a dog that needs to stop estrus, but you're unlikely to be reading this forum, but unfortunately for all myth lovers, if we assume that Cygnus back then supplied real mibolerone – my words only get stronger.
And yes, if you disagree with my conclusion, that's your right, but personally, I've never found any objective examples where check drops played a key role.
Friends, if you want to leave your review about Mibolerone, please use the following aspects in your feedback to be more “Comprehensive”.

Friends, if you want to leave your review about Mibolerone, please use the following aspects in your feedback to be more “Comprehensive”.
- What benefits/advantages/positives did you gain from using Mibolerone?
- Side effects (positive or negative) that you experienced, physically or mentally
- Detailed information about the cycle in which you included Mibolerone.
- Whether you liked the drug or not, and whether you would use it again
Thank you if you've made it to the end, given that the process of creating an article is quite lengthy, there may be errors in the text. If you notice any, don't hesitate to write to me in private messages, I will certainly correct them. Feel free to join the discussion, but please respect the other participants.