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Stanozolol aka Winstrol. Stanozolol or Winny.

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Important disclaimer before we start.

Anabolic drugs can only be used under a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated for children. The information presented is not an encouragement to use or distribute potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects; the information on this forum is not medical advice and should be used for informational and educational purposes only.

The day might start with difficulties, but that's why We are a Strong Community, to solve them, and moreover, this should not affect our plans for the day, which are grandiose today - writing another article about a substance, this time about Stanozolol.


Shall we start the old-fashioned way, my friends? As always, with smart writings.
Stanozolol is a steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), used to treat hereditary angioedema, a disease that causes episodes of swelling in the face, limbs, genitals, intestinal wall, and throat. Stanozolol can reduce the frequency and severity of these attacks.
This application is mentioned on the notable site drugs.com.

It can also reduce the impact of a bradykinin storm, Bradykinin is a peptide that dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. There is evidence that bradykinin may increase the concentration of tissue plasminogen activator, increasing the risk of bleeding in patients with COVID-19.
Here's an interesting fact for you, not those rumors about Trenbolone that claim those who use it will not get COVID.

It's worth noting that Stanozolol was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for human use, although it is no longer sold in the USA.
Are you interested in who developed it? Well, I will tell you anyway, it won't be superfluous. It was developed by the American pharmaceutical company Winthrop Laboratories (Sterling Drug) in 1962.

Unlike most steroids, Stanozolol in most cases (who knows, maybe there already is, I am looking for information as I go) does not have ester chains and was sold in the form of suspensions or in tablet form.
The drug has high bioavailability when taken orally due to C17α alkylation, which allows the hormone to survive first-pass metabolism through the liver when ingested.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact percentage of its bioavailability, but I stumbled upon a quite interesting study, which looks at Pegylated stanozolol for potential therapeutic use in aplastic anemia and hereditary angioedema, the study, by the way, is from 2020.

Happy Homer Simpson GIF

Okay, before I get too far off track.
The half-life, by the way, is 9 hours when taken orally and 24 hours when administered intramuscularly in the form of an aqueous suspension. - First source, Second source, Third source, Fourth source. Proving half-life isn't just about telling someone they're dumb. (I hope you get the reference, I love to belittle pseudo-intellectuals) Meanwhile, its activity can last up to a week; there are a couple of studies on horses, not sure how accurately they can be interpreted for humans, but let it be.

Speaking of side effects, we're in luck here, we have a guinea pig who managed to get severe cholestasis and renal failure using Stanozolol. In this case, cholestasis is closely associated with the use of C17α alkylated steroids, the mechanism of its induction is unclear, but the use of such steroids can disrupt tubular excretion of conjugated bile and possibly sinusoidal absorption of bile, possibly due to inhibition of sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase transport on the sinusoidal membrane, microfibrillar network, or competition for bile acid receptors.

They also attribute a diuretic effect to it, I found another interesting survey questionnaire, which was used for analysis, but we'll leave that for later as it also covers Nandrolone.

Stanozolol has been used with some success in treating venous insufficiency. It stimulates blood fibrinolysis and has been evaluated for treating more serious skin changes in venous diseases such as lipodermatosclerosis.
This application is evidenced by this 1991 double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study (and now you might expect laughter about the claim that steroids are not well-studied)
At the end of the 6-month treatment period, the decrease in the area of lipodermatosclerosis in the stanozolol group was statistically significant using a Wilcoxon pairs rank sum test (P = 0.002).

Here's another study on its use in treating skin ulcers caused by cryofibrinogenemia.
After treatment, healing of ulcers was observed in seven out of eight patients, with rapid reduction in pain and improvement in reticular livedo and purpura. In four out of eight patients, cryofibrinogen was not detected in the plasma after treatment. Additionally, skin intravascular thrombi dissolved. Stanozolol was well-tolerated and caused minimal side effects.
As a steroid, stanozolol acts as an agonist of the androgen receptor (AR), similar to androgens such as testosterone and DHT.
Its affinity for the androgen receptor is about 22% of that of dihydrotestosterone.

Stanozolol is not a substrate for 5α-reductase, as it is already 5α-reduced, and therefore is not potentiated in so-called 'androgenic' tissues like skin, hair follicles, and the prostate gland.
Furthermore, due to its 5α-reduced nature, stanozolol does not aromatize and therefore does not tend to produce estrogenic effects such as gynecomastia or fluid retention.
The drug has a very low affinity for sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in human serum, approximately 5% of that of testosterone and 1% of that of DHT.

Let's break down the formula of Stanozolol to boost our IQ – come on guys, don’t we want to become smarter, so when someone calls us dumb jocks, we can dazzle them with our intellect that also has six-pack abs?
Stanozolol, 17α-methyl-2'H-androst-2-eno[3,2-c]pyrazol-17β-ol, is a synthetic 17α-alkylated androstanoid steroid and a derivative of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with a methyl group at the C17α position and a pyrazole ring attached to the A ring of the steroid nucleus.

For those preparing to undergo doping tests, keep this information handy: Stanozolol undergoes extensive biotransformation in the liver via various enzymatic pathways. Primary metabolites unique to stanozolol can be detected in urine for up to 10 days following a single oral dose of 5–10 mg.

On this beautiful note, we smoothly transition to...


Reviews and Testing of Stanozolol by Users of the OneSteel Forum.
Lol, is that all? Damn, I thought I'd find a sea of testing, well, it looks like we'll have to start a testing wave for this product soon.
I’ll highlight some reviews here,

Got the results for stan, good stuff!
As I said before - I recommend it))
Maybe it's just me, but in a small dosage, it works wonders, definitely worth a try!)

Everything is great. I've become noticeably tougher to the touch, as my wife says )) Strength has increased, which is pleasing

sodomy jumping GIF by South Park

Shall we draw some conclusions? Let's sum it up.
In my humble opinion, most AAS users don't need Stanozolol; it's a drug that can help your body reach competition form, if it's ready for it. (damn, I started writing like Google Translate)
In other cases, you can experiment, but it's not worth abusing, as I think you've already found all the possible outcomes in this thread.


Friends, if you want to leave your feedback on Stanozolol, please include the following aspects in your response to be more "comprehensive".

  • What benefits/profits/positives did you gain from using Stanozolol?
  • Side effects (positive or negative), physical or psychological, that you experienced.
  • Detailed information about the cycle in which you included Stanozolol.
  • Whether you liked the drug or not, and whether you would use it again.
Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid often used to increase muscle mass and enhance athletic performance. However, the use of stanozolol can lead to serious side effects that can be harmful to health.

Some of the possible side effects of using stanozolol include:

- Liver damage: stanozolol can lead to liver damage, including the development of dangerous liver diseases such as liver cancer.
- Heart problems: the use of stanozolol can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial hypertrophy and atherosclerosis.
- Skin problems: stanozolol can cause various skin issues such as acne and oily skin.
- Mental health issues: the use of stanozolol can lead to the development of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.
- Other side effects: the use of stanozolol can also lead to other side effects such as sleep disturbances, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and others.

Therefore, if you are considering the use of stanozolol, it is very important to discuss this with a qualified medical professional and use it only under strict medical supervision. Steroids should never be used without consulting a doctor and recommended doses should not be exceeded.
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