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Important disclaimer before we begin.
Anabolic drugs should only be used as prescribed by a doctor and are contraindicated for children. The information provided here does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects. The information presented in this forum is not medical advice and should be used exclusively for informational and educational purposes.

Day, morning, evening, or any time of day - may it be kind to you if you've decided to read this article, which, with you and me, will be about a drug I’m not fond of - "Trenbolone". But let's not dwell on my dislike for now and start, as usual, with -

Boring and scientific information about Trenbolone.


How does one usually start? Oh, right, - Trenbolone is an androgenic anabolic steroid, abbreviated as AAS. It's noteworthy that unlike many other substances that were indeed intended as medicines, trenbolone is not even universally approved as a veterinary drug.

Boldenone and trenbolone are restricted to veterinary purposes only in some countries, but, nonetheless, sports competitors and bodybuilders are known to use these anabolic steroids.

For the most curious, yes, you might say:Chantico, you're a fool, there’s trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, which was developed for human use, and besides, those covered Moldovan basements have licenses!

To which I nobly respond that the drug never actually hit the market, as evidenced by many databases. As for Moldovan productions where a certificate costs a couple of thousand bucks, well, that's debatable. Don't be surprised if it hits you like those guys on the street who are ‘holding the earth’. In fairness, let’s mention the trade names of hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - Parabolan, Hexabolan, and Acetate - Finajet, Finaplix.

Trenbolone Enanthate, however, was never approved for either veterinary use or in attempts to conduct clinical trials in humans.

In veterinary medicine, it is used to improve feed efficiency, mineral absorption, and muscle mass in cattle, to ensure the animal feeds well and ends up on your plate as muscular as possible.

A primary side effect to highlight is the 'Tren cough'. When injecting the substance, you might catch this 'bonus' and torture your lungs. Personally, I associate this with oil entering a vessel; don’t think it's beneficial, so keep 'salbutamol' handy.

As for other effects, negative ones, trenbolone is extremely similar to all its brothers, except that some of its side effects strongly overlap with Estradiol.


How Does Our Super Wonder Drug Work?

After metabolism, the complex esters of trenbolone increase the uptake of ammonium ions by muscles, leading to an increased rate of protein synthesis. It may also have secondary effects of stimulating appetite and reducing the rate of catabolism, like all anabolic steroids. However, catabolism likely increases significantly after discontinuing steroid use.

The use of anabolic steroids decreases testosterone secretion. People who stop taking steroids also face reduced male hormone levels than usual during the 'off' periods. The catabolic effects of cortisol are enhanced when the athlete stops taking the drugs, and strength and muscle size are lost at a rapid rate.
A note for those who believe they can do a cycle and then maintain their muscles.

Regarding the development of secondary male sexual characteristics... Ah, yes, studies are showing that Trenbolone is comparable to DHT in this regard.

The potency of TB to activate AR-mediated gene transcription was investigated in the androgen-responsive MDA-kb2 cell line that contains endogenous hAR and is stably transfected with an androgen-responsive luciferase reporter gene construct. Dose-response curves of the agonist activity of TB compared to that of the potent androgen, DHT, showed similar curves for both compounds, with TB responses at low concentrations (10 pM and 100 pM) being significantly greater (p < 0.001) than those obtained with DHT. Maximum induction for both compounds, however, was attained at 1 nM. Furthermore, when cells were cotreated with 1 nM of each compound along with 1 μM OHF, a specific androgen receptor antagonist, luciferase activity was significantly decreased by 50–60% compared to activity obtained with the individual compounds. Overall, TB was at least as potent as an AR agonist as DHT.

It's probably safe to conclude that your partner does not need it, although if you're thinking of putting your significant other on trenbolone – and no, not a vial – then I feel sorry for her.

Did I mention that Trenbolone essentially has a SARM effect?

17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone; 17β-TBOH), a synthetic analog of testosterone, may be capable of inducing SARM-like effects as it binds to androgen receptors (ARs) with approximately three times the affinity of testosterone.

In this same study, there's a very interesting point: the metabolism of Trenbolone, though not fully understood, apparently does not break down into 17β-estradiol through 5α-reductase and aromatase. This is why it had the status of a SARM, as in theory, it could be used for treatment without affecting the prostate, unlike DHT.

As I understand it, I could be wrong, but Trenbolone has a high affinity with progesterone receptors:

The repeated treatment regimen together with the very high concentrations used in the present study, increase the possibility of affecting other systems. In addition to the AR, trenbolone has a high binding affinity for the progesterone receptor.

Besides, it's stated that it also binds well with glucocorticoid receptors:

This led to the identification of five novel in vitro glucocorticoid antagonists. All the steroids tested bound to both the glucocorticoid and the androgen receptors in muscle. Four steroids had a higher affinity for the glucocorticoid receptor than for the androgen receptor. It is assumed that the steroids tested also act as antagonists when binding to the glucocorticoid receptor in muscle and as agonists when binding to the androgen receptor.

Honestly, I've gotten a bit tired of Googling the effects of trenbolone on various receptors, so let's move on to its PPR.

In our case, it's important to understand that everything will depend on the ester chain which will be subsequently broken down by plasma lipases in the bloodstream, leaving only the substance itself. Therefore, we only need to know how long they take for the ester chains Acetate-Enanthate-Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.

By the way, regarding the destruction/breakdown and subsequent excretion from the body, trenbolone and its main metabolite Epitrenbolone are excreted in the urine, which is why you might sometimes notice a rather strange color.

A little bit of chemistry and we'll move on to more pertinent information.

Trenbolone, also known as 19-nor-δ9,11-testosterone or estra-4,9,11-trien-17β-ol-3-one, is a synthetic estrane steroid and a derivative of nandrolone (19-nortestosterone).
It's specifically nandrolone with two additional double bonds in the steroid nucleus.

Here we'll slightly digress from the topic. Remember, all dealers like to focus on estra-4,9,11-trien-17β-ol-3-one and claim that this is why it's defined as an 'estro' : ) I'm still curious how an estrane, which is also found in nandrolone (estra-4-en-17β-ol-3-one), is only defined this way in Trenbolone? Hmm... Well, let's wait for new stories.

It's especially amusing that it ultimately breaks down into Epitrenbolone, not 17β-estradiol through 5α-reductase and aromatase.

So, a little conclusion from me personally: the less 'estro' you get from trenbolone, the better the trenbolone you've found."

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